Chemical Research Handbook

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali, Institute for the Chemestry of Organometallic Compounds (ICCOM)

General Information

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali
Institute for the Chemestry of Organometallic Compounds (ICCOM)
Via Madonna del Piano 10 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Web site:
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+39 0555225280

Detailed information

71 Researchers
15 Structured Technicians
2 Technologists
4 Administrative Technicians
Registered students
Post Lauream Training
11 enrolled in doctoral programs in Industrial Chemistry and Chemistry
12 Research fellows
4 Grant holders

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail

Analytical spectrometry

Analytical metodology for trace elements determination


Electrocatalysis for O2, CO2 and N2 conversion to valuable products

Solar cells

Design and synthesis of organic compounds as light-absorbing and charge transport materials in new generation photovoltaic cells, also for indoor applications


(Electro) catalytic reduction of CO2 in liquid or gaseous fuels, alcohols and chemical compounds


Synthesis of biobased polycarbonates and synthesis of polyols from vegetable oils
Caterina Fusco (+39 0805442068)
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Organic, inorganic and hybrid polymeric materials with functional properties. Synthesis, characterization and post-functionalization. Nanotechnologies for multifunctional packaging

Green Hydrogen

Electrocatalysis and photocatalysis for applications in the energy sector, particularly in the sector of fuel cells and green hydrogen production by electrolysis


Structural and dynamic characterization of synthetic and natural polymers by means of solid state NMR

Green Hydrogen

Hydrogen chemistry and technology: production, storage and use in fuel cells


Volatile compounds trapped in solids for the control of biodeteriogens in paper archives and libraries
Andrea Ienco (+39 0555225282)
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Carbon capture

Carbon dioxide chemistry and technology: processes for the capture and valorization of CO2 from flue gases (CCUS) or directly from the air (DAC)

Catalytic depolymerisation

Selective catalytic depolymerization of polyesters, polycarbonates and polyamides
Carmen Moreno-MarrodĂ¡n (+39 0555225219)
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2D materials

Advanced multifunctional 2D materials

Analytical spectroscopy

Advanced analytical and spectroscopic techniques for environment, health and conservation of artistic and cultural heritage

Solar concentrators

Design e sintesi di nuovi fluorfori organici da utilizzare in concentratori solari luminescenti per il fotovoltaico integrato in edifici (BIPV)
Massimo Calamante (+39 0554573587)
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Sustainable catalysis

New sustainable chemical processes with high efficiency and selectivity through the optimization of already existing catalytic and stoichiometric processes and design and implementation of new processes

Exhausted batteries

Sustainable processes for the recovery of critical materials (Li, Co, Ni, Cu, etc.) from end-of-life lithium batteries through hydro- and solvometallurgical processes


Catalytic processes in aqueous phase;hydrogen storage by reversible hydrogenationation of CO2 to formic acid and methanol
Luca Gonsalvi (+39 0555225251)
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NMR spectroscopy

Solid state NMR methods for pharmaceutical applications

NMR spectroscopy

Characterization of materials for the energy transition (optoelectronics, fuel cells, ...) and sustainability by means of Solid State NMR spectroscopy

Heterogeneous catalysis

Design of nanostructured metal catalysts and their use for processes for fine chemicals and hydrogen production
Claudio Evangelisti (+39 0503152345)
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Nanomateriali magnetici

Novel nanostrctured magnetic materials for the realization of rare-earth free permanent magnets, for catalysis, and biomedicine
Claudio Sangregorio (+39 0555225280)
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Sustainable synthesis

Green chemistry: use of sustainable and eco-compatible solvents and C-H activation processes for the synthesis of molecules with applications in photovoltaics and organic electronics

Bioanalytical methodologies

Spectroscopic and separative analytical and bioanalytical methodologies for the study of metabolism in cells and biofluids and for the characterization of materials and biomaterials

Metal-free catalysis

Metal-free catalytic processes to reduce the environmental impact of the release of exhausted catalysts
Giuliano Giambastiani (+39 0555225288)
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Design and synthesis of organic dyes and organometallic catalysts towards hydrogen production via photocatalytic or photoelectrochemical processes

Computational chemistry

Theoretical and computational chemistry for predictive modeling

NMR spectroscopy

Characterization of solid porous materials by solid state NMR spectroscopy and NMR relaxometry

Other R&D organizations

Ce.M.E. - Centro di Microscopie Elettroniche "Laura Bonzi
Center for Electronic microscopy characterization and nano-manipulation (FIB-SEM, HRTEM).
Contacts: Alessandro Lavacchi (+39 0555225250) -
Web site:

Collaborations with companies

  • ALESCO S.r.l.
  • Altair Chimica S.p.A.
  • Belenos Clean Power
  • Cicci Research S.r.l.
  • CISA S.p.A.
  • Cobat 
  • Colorobbia Italia S.p.A.
  • Danger & Safety S.r.l.
  • Dipharma Francis S.r.l.
  • EDInnovation S.r.l.
  • Endostart
  • ENECOM S.r..
  • ERREDUE S.p.A.
  • Faggi Enrico S.p.A.
  • Greenswitch S.r.l.
  • Gruppo Menarini
  • I&S S.r.l.
  • International Tin S.r.l.
  • Italmatch Chemicals S.p.A., Sede di Arese
  • Laboratori Archa S.r.l.
  • Leonardo S.p.A.
  • LMPE S.r.l.
  • MAE S.p.A.
  • Makros S.r.l.
  • Nemesys energy
  • Scapigliato S.r.l.
  • Solvay Specialty Polymers S.p.A.
  • Sotacarbo S.r.l.
  • Stelar
  • Worgas


  • Mirshokraee, Seyed Ariana; Muhyuddin, Mohsin; Lorenzi, Roberto; Tseberlidis, Giorgio; Lo Vecchio, Carmelo; Baglio, Vincenzo; Berretti, Enrico; Lavacchi, Alessandro; Santoro, Carlo; Litchi-derived platinum group metal-free electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction and hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media; SusMat 2023, 3, 248-262 (IF = 28,4).
  • Berretti, Enrico; Osmieri, Luigi; Baglio, Vincenzo; Miller, Hamish A.; Filippi, Jonathan; Vizza, Francesco; Santamaria, Monica; Specchia, Stefania; Santoro, Carlo; Lavacchi, Alessandro; Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: A Comparative Review of Acidic and Alkaline Systems; Electrochemical Energy Reviews 2023, 6, art. no. 30 (IF = 31,3).
  • Perez Schmidt, P., Pagano, K., Lenardi, C., Penconi, M., Ferrando, R.M., Evangelisti, C., Lay, L., Ragona, L., Marelli, M., Polito, L.; Photo-Induced Microfluidic Production of Ultrasmall Glyco Gold Nanoparticles; Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.2023, 62, art. no. e202210140 (IF = 16,6).
  • Huang J.; Sementa L.; Liu Z.; Barcaro G.; Feng M.; Liu E.; Jiao L.; Xu M.; Leshchev D.; Lee S.-J.; Li M.; Wan C.; Zhu E.; Liu Y.; Peng B.; Duan X.; Goddard W.A.; Fortunelli A.; Jia Q.; Huang Y.; Experimental Sabatier plot for predictive design of active and stable Pt-alloy oxygen reduction reaction catalysts; Nature Catalysis 2022, 5, 513-523 (IF= 40,706).
  • Serrano G.; Poggini L.; Cucinotta G.; Sorrentino A.L.; Giaconi N.; Cortigiani B.; Longo D.; Otero E.; Sainctavit P.; Caneschi A.; Mannini M.; Sessoli R.; Magnetic molecules as local sensors of topological hysteresis of superconductors; Nature Communications 2022, 13, art. no. 3838 (IF = 17,694).
  • Gabbani A.; Sangregorio C.; Tandon B.; Nag A.; Gurioli M.; Pineider F.; Magnetoplasmonics beyond Metals: Ultrahigh Sensing Performance in Transparent Conductive Oxide Nanocrystals; Nano Letters 2022, 22, 9036-9044 (IF = 12,262).
  • Pagliaro M.V.; Wen C.; Sa B.; Liu B.; Bellini M.; Bartoli F.; Sahoo S.; Singh R.K.; Alpay S.P.; Miller H.A.; Dekel D.R.; Improving Alkaline Hydrogen Oxidation Activity of Palladium through Interactions with Transition-Metal Oxides; ACS Catalysis 2022, 12, 10894-10904 (IF = 13,700).