Chemical Research Handbook

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali, Institute for Chemical Physical Processes (IPCF)

General Information

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali
Institute for Chemical Physical Processes (IPCF)
Viale Ferdinando Stagno d’Alcontres 37 - 98158 Messina (ME)
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Dott. Onofrio M. MARAGÒ
+39 09039762200

Detailed information


45 Researchers
2 Technologists
14 Structured Technicians
10 Administrative Technicians

Registered students
Post Lauream Training
20 Research fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail

Cultural heritage

Diagnostic and sensors for cultural heritage
Rosina Celeste Ponterio (+39 09039762201)
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Life science

Solution NMR spectroscopy for the investigation of molecular recognition phenomena

Green chemistry

Multi-scale modeling of (metal-free) carbon-based materials for catalytic applications; depolimerization processes of lignin materials


Spectroscopic characterization and stability profiling of materials for photovoltaic applications

Green chemistry

Development of effective agro-food waste adsorbent materials for the removal of wastewater contaminants

Advanced materials

Development of 2D materials for advanced sensor applications
Pietro Gucciardi (+39 09039762248)
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Design, synthesis and characterization of di nanomaterials, hybrid systems and nanocomposites for energy conversion
Marinella Striccoli (+39 08054420279)
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Advanced materials

Spectroscopy on nanostructured systems and hybrid nanocomposites
Valentina Villari (+39 09039762219)
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Advanced materials

Development of noble metal nanostructured thin films for SERS sensing applications
Sebastiano Trusso (+39 09039762210)
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Advanced materials

Synthesis and characterization of oxide, perovskite and semiconductor nanocrystals, plasmonic and magnetic nanoparticles and luminescent carbon dots
Marinella Striccoli (+39 08054420279)
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Advanced materials

Synthesis of hybrid nanocomposites based on graphene derivatives and inorganic colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) for the detection of pollutants in water resources, additives in food and disease biomarkers in human samples
Chiara Ingrosso (+39 0805442027)
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Multi-scale modeling of high-efficiency catalysts for fuel cells

Life science

Optical nanospectroscopies and nanoimaging forutrasensitive detction of biomolecules
Pietro Gucciardi (+39 09039762248)
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Biohydrogen production via the use of photosynthetic microorganisms in fresh and salty waters
Massimo Trotta (+39 0805442027)
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Advanced materials

Development of photoactive (nano) materials for the abatement of organic pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms (viruses and bacteria) in water, air and surfaces
Roberto Comparelli (+39 0805442027)
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Life science

Design, realization and study of artificial and physiological nanovectors for treatment of cancer and neurological disorders
Nicoletta Depalo (Nicoletta Depalo)
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Green chemistry

Bioplastics: properties in the lifetime and biodegradation
Maria Cristina Righetti (+39 0503152068)
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Green chemistry

Valorization of biomasses in preparation according to Eco-design strategy and characterization of the behaviour of bioplastics in natural environments

Green chemistry

Bioremediation of water basins and soil polluted with heavy metals via photosynthetic bacteria
Massimo Trotta (+39 0805442027)
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Life science

Multiscale modeling of nanostuctured materials to be used as drug-delivery devices in cancer therapy

Cultural heritage

Development of self-cleaning photocatalytic coatings for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage
Roberto Comparelli (+39 0805442027)
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Other R&D organizations

The laboratory is equipped with instrumentation for the 3D reconstruction in the cultural heritage field
Contacts: Rosina Celeste Ponterio (+39 09039762201)
Electron Microscopy Lab
Facilities (TEM and SEM FEG equipped with EDX) for imaging, morphological and chemical characterization of materials, thin films and nanostructures at nano and micro scale
Contacts: Roberto Comparelli (+39 0805442027) -
Laser Ablation Lab
The laboratory is equipped with a system for the preparation of nanostructured materials by laser ablation
Contacts: Sebastiano Trusso (+39 09039762210)
High-performance computing center - Molecular Modelling Team MMT@CNR.PI
The laboratory is equipped with server/computing nodes, ethernet/infiniband switches and storage disks to perform high-performance multiscale modeling on a variety of systems of chemical and physical interest for the research activities of the Institute
Contacts: Giovanni Barcaro (+39 0503152455) -
Luca Sementa (+39 0503152263) -
Giuseppe Annino (+39 0503152249) -
Lab for physical and chemical characterization of nanomaterials and thin films
The laboratory is equipped with instrumentation for the optical and chemical-physical characterization (UV-Vis Abs, stationary and time resolved PL, absolute QY, FTIR, AFM, etc.) of nanoparticles, nanocomposites, hybrid materials and thin films
Contacts: Marinella Striccoli (+39 08054420279) -
The laboratory is equipped with optical tweezer for the manipulaztion of micro- and nanomaterials
Contacts: Onofrio Maragò (+39 0909762249)
Lab for the synthesis and characterization of polymer materials for functional applications and high performances
Contacts: Simona Bronco (+39 0503152519) -
Photocatalysis Lab: investigation of the photocatalytic properties of structured (nano)materials
The laboratory carries out photocatalytic tests with UV light or simulated sunlight on (nano) catalysts for applications in water purification (model dyes, pesticides, antibiotics), air (NOx abatement), and for the abatement of pathogenic microorganisms in class I (e.g. E. coli, Enterococcus hirae, Bacillus Cereus, Candida Albicans)
Contacts: Roberto Comparelli (+39 0805442027) -