Chemical Research Handbook

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali, Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramics (ISSMC)

General Information

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali
Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramics (ISSMC)
Via Granarolo 64 - 48018 Faenza (RA)
Web site:
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Dott.ssa Alessandra SANSON
+39 0546699753

Detailed information

9 Full Professors
11 Associate Professors
21 Researchers
5 Technologists
7 Structured Technicians
6 Administrative Technicians
4 General Services
Registered students
Post Lauream Training
12 enrolled in doctoral programs
15 Research fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail


Fabrication and characterization of organic dye solar cells (DSSC)

Circular economy

Valorization of food industry by-products into multifunctional ceramics

Fibre-reinforced composites

New sustainable fiber-reinforced composites with inorganic matrix
Annalisa Natali Murri (+39 0546699788)
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Fluid treatment

Porous geopolymers as adsorbents for fluid treatments

Solar fuels

Development of materials for eletrodes and photo-electrodes for solar fuels production


Processes for catalysts development for the production of hydrogen (steam reforming, biomass gasification, etc.)

Big data

Multi criteria optimisation tools for supporting the design of advanced materials


Thermochemical processes for green production of chemicals from biomass
Francesco Miccio (+39 0546699774)
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Rationale and criteria for the implementation of SSbD approach to the advanced material production
Anna Luisa Costa (+39 0546699718)
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Chemically bonded ceramics and inorganic polymers – geopolymers. Waste valorization through a sustainable process of chemical consolidation

Solid batteries

Development of ceramic-based solid state batteries


Development of devices for the energy production and storage of hydrogen (SOFC-SOEC)

Additive manufacturing

Development and optimization of AM (inkjet printing and micro-extrusion) processes to produce ceramic, polymeric and their hybrid products

Regenerative medicine

Development of bioactive ceramic and hybrid implants for the regeneration of bone, osteochondral and skin tissues


Development of biocompatible and bioactive nanoparticles as carrier of bioactive molecules

Ceramic membranes

Development of ceramic membranes for gas separations (H2, O2 e CO2)

Micro/nano plastics

Colloidal and physicochemical characterisation of micro/nano plastics (MNP) in environmental and biological matrices. Development of new methods for their traceability.

Blue deal

Valorisation of marine resources for the protection of environment

Piezoelectric materials

Development of ceramic-based piezoelectric materials and devices


Study and development of electrorheological fluids (ERFs) for applications in electromechanical and haptic devices

Other R&D organizations

Laboratory for the design and production of nanostructured materials for the protection of human and environmental health, accordingly to SSbD approach.
Contacts: Anna Luisa Costa (+39 0546699718) -
Web site:
Rheological and colloidal properties laboratory for the characterization of nano and microdispersed systems
Contacts: Davide Gardini (+39 0546699749) -
Web site:
Shaping Lab for ceramic materials for energetics (3D printing, ink-jet, spin coating, etc.)
Contacts: Alessandra Sanson (+39 0546699742) -
Web site:

Collaborations with companies

  • Aurel S.p.A.
  • Curti Costruzioni Meccaniche S.p.A.
  • Euroarce S.r.l.
  • Finceramica
  • Florim S.p.A. S.B.
  • Gitoma S.r.l.
  • GreenBone Ortho S.p.A.
  • Hydea S.p.A.
  • Industrie Bitossi S.p.A.
  • Industrie Ceramiche Piemme S.p.A.
  • ITT Italia S.r.l.
  • Kalikem S.r.l.
  • Marazzi Group S.r.l.
  • Meccanotecnica Umbra s.p.A.
  • NDG
  • Novabell S.p.A.
  • Panariagroup Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A.
  • Plumestars S.r.l.
  • Projecta Engineering S.r.l.
  • Rosati Arte
  • SAAti S.p.A.
  • Sacmi Imola S.C.
  • SICER S.p.A.
  • Smalticeram Unicer S.p.A.
  • Smaltochimica S.r.l.
  • System ceramics S.p.A.
  • SMEG S.p.A.


  • Blosi, M., Brigliadori, A., Zanoni, I., Ortelli, S., Albonetti, S., & Costa, A. L. (2022); Chlorella vulgaris meets TiO2 NPs: effective sorbent/photocatalytic hybrid materials for water treatment application; Journal of environmental management, 304, 114187.
  • Costa, A. L., Blosi, M., Brigliadori, A., Zanoni, I., Ortelli, S., Simeone, F. C., & Gardini, D. (2022); Eco design for Ag-based solutions against SARS-CoV-2 and E. coli; Environmental Science: Nano, 9(11), 4295-430.
  • R. Bendoni, F. Miccio, V. Medri, P. Benito, A. Vaccari, E. Landi; Geopolymer composites for the catalytic cleaning of tar in biomass-derived gas; Renewable Energy, 131 (2019) 1107-1116.
  • A. Adamiano, S. Scialla, F. Carella, M.Casella, S. Camerini, A. Quarta, A.Muntiu, F. Ferrari, A. Vitali, M. Iafisco, C. Piccirillo; Simultaneous extraction of calcium phosphates and proteins from fish bones. Innovative valorisation of food by-products;J Cleaner Prod 2023 385: 135656. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135656.
  • E. Quarta, M. Chiappi, A. Adamiano, A. Tampieri, W. Wang, T.D. Tetley, F. Buttini, F. Sonvico, D. Catalucci, P. Colombo, M. Iafisco, L. Degli Esposti; Inhalable Microparticles Embedding Biocompatible Magnetic Iron-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles; J Funct Biomater 2023 14(4):189. doi: 10.3390/jfb14040189.
  • A. Natali Murri, V. Medri, E. Papa, L. Laghi, C. Mingazzini, E. Landi; Porous geopolymer insulating core from a metakaolin/biomass ash composite; Environments, 4 (2017) 86,
  • Bartoletti, A. Sangiorgi*, A. Gondolini, E. Mercadelli, S. Casadio, S. Garcia-Gonzalez, M. Morales, E. Jiménez-Piqué, A. Sanson; Dispersant- and solvent-free pastes for UV-assisted micro-extrusion of porous proton conductive membrane supports; Journal of The European Ceramic Society 43, 11, (2023) 4844-4853.
  • J. Yus*, Z. Gonzalez, A. Javier Sanchez-Herencia, A. Sangiorgi, A. Sanson, C. Galassi, B. Ferrari; High photocatalytic efficiency of inkjet printed patterns by formulation of eco-friendly TiO2-based inks; Open Ceramics 8, (2021), 100197.

More info

The Institute at the moment helds an industrial PhD issued by Bologna University and 3 more are financed for the XXXIX cycle for the PhD programme in Materials Science and Technologies of the Parma University.