Chemical Research Handbook

National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology - INSTM

General Information

National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology - INSTM

Via Giuseppe Giusti 9 - 50121 Firenze (FI)
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Prof. Federica BONDIOLI (President)
+39 055233871

Prof. Andrea CANESCHI (Director) (Secretariat)

Detailed information


2 Full Professors
6 Researchers
1 Journalist
11 Administrative Technicians

Registered students
Post Lauream Training
50 Research fellows
29 fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail

Life science

Approaches for the prevention and treatment of bacterial and viral diseases, Development of solutions for disabilities and improvement of social life, Development of biomedical systems based on artificial intelligence (AI), Innovative therapeutic approaches, Innovative regenerative medicine approaches, Advanced diagnostic systems, Patient-Specific Medical Devices, E-health and home therapy systems, Advanced computational approaches for life sciences
Silvia Faré (+39 055233871)
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Food science

Food preservation and storage solutions, New materials for substrates for primary production, New sources for food development, Advanced nutraceuticals, development and testing of molecules, Development of food biotechnology, Technologies and new materials for packaging, Quality and food safety, valorization of raw materials and food waste products, environmental and energy sustainability, advanced computational approaches for food sciences
Silvia Faré (+39 055233871)
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Solar radiation Conversion, Electrochemical accumulators and batteries, Low temperatures Electrochemical systems, High temperatures Electrochemical systems, Production of fuels and energy carriers, Heat storage systems, Components with high mechanical and corrosion resistance, High conductivity materials electric with magnetic properties, Materials for separation, storage and process control, Production, replacement, reduction and recovery of critical materials, Advanced computational approaches for the ecological transition
Francesco Basile (+39 055233871)
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Made in Italy

Biodegradable and recyclable materials and products, Innovative and high technological materials, Natural materials for jewelry and fashion industries, Enhancement of Made in Italy supply chains, Treatment and transformation of natural and synthetic materials for the furniture industry, Materials for the manufacturing industry, Integration of nanotechnologies in production processes, New transformation processes of materials for industrial uses, Innovative materials for design, Advanced computational approaches for Made in Italy

Sustainable mobility

Lightweight materials, Electronics and sensors for mobility, On-board electrical and thermal storage, Vehicle power technologies, New sustainable materials, Advanced computational approaches for the ecological transition, Magnets and engines
Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo (+39 055233871)
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Advanced manufacturing

Smart Materials, Flexible Manufacturing Technologies, Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies, Critical Materials Manufacturing Technologies, Hybrid Materials, Development and Production of Metamaterials, Materials and Techniques for Micromanufacturing, Bio-based Materials for Advanced Manufacturing Techniques, Advanced manufacturing methods for material recovery and recycling, Advanced computational approaches for advanced manufacturing
Gianluca Cicala (+39 055233871)
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High temperature metallic materials, Metallic lightweight materials, Advanced metallic materials for structural applications, Advanced ceramic materials and composites, Technopolymers and polymer matrix composites, Glasses for special applications, Functional materials, Advanced computational approaches for aerospace

Green economy

Recovery of metals and critical elements, Recycling of materials, Biodegradable materials and products, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Carbon footprint and Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), Advanced computational approaches for the green economy, Biodegradation and composting
Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo (+39 055233871)
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Circular economy

Circular chemistry approaches for molecules and materials, Eco-design for reduced environmental impact and recycling at the end of life, Quantification of circularity, Valorization of biomass waste, Nanotechnologies for the development of eco-sustainable materials and products, Advanced computational approaches for the circular economy
Silvia Gross (+39 055233871)
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Building preservation

Self-healing materials, Inorganic fiber-reinforced composites for structural reinforcement, High-performance fiber-reinforced concrete, Use of composite material bars in reinforced concrete, Supplementary cementing materials, Corrosion monitoring, Alternative binders to portland cement with low environmental impact, Use of materials from recycling to produce concrete, Advanced computational approaches for materials and building conservation
Luigi Coppola (+39 055233871)
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Cultural heritage

Inclusive fruition of cultural heritage, fruition of underwater cultural heritage, Management, valorisation and fruition, Monitoring, Consolidation and protection, Cleaning strategies for cultural heritage, Diagnostics and risk prevention, Digital ecosystem for tourism and cultural promotion, Advanced computational approaches for cultural heritage
Stefana Milioto (+39 055233871)
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Other R&D organizations

BIOlab (Laboratory for Bioactive polymer materials for biomedical and environmental applications)
This laboratory focuses specifically on the study and synthesis of biodegradable and biocompatible polymer materials for use in areas such as food packaging and catalytic resin formulation, as well as biomedical and pharmaceutical applications, for instance, as matrices for controlled-release pharmaceutical delivery, or as hydrogels in tissue engineering.
Contacts: Dario Puppi (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
CASPE (Laboratory of Catalysis for Sustainable Production and Energy)
CASPE is dedicated to the development of catalysts, catalytic processes and technologies for applications in environmental protection, the reduction of greenhouse gases and the development of cleaner alternatives to chemical manufacturing processes to reduce their environmental impact.
Contacts: Siglinda Perathoner (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
Centre of Reference for Controlled porosity materials
This laboratory concentrates its research activities on the preparation and characterisation of mesoporous materials created using supramolecular assembly, ceramic-based hierarchically porous materials, carbon-based nanotubes and porous carbons and silicon. Among its activities, it also represents a point of contact between university- and industry-driven research, a role that is facilitated by its internationally renowned services, know-how and capabilities.
Contacts: Plinio Innocenzi (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
Centre of Reference for Technologies for the transformation of polymer and composite materials
This is a relatively broad field that, as well as covering materials transformation as its title suggests, also studies the use of innovative technologies to develop new polymer systems, characterising the macromolecular systems used as well as the resultant products
Contacts: Giuseppe Mensitieri (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
Centre of Reference for Nanosized materials for microelectronics and related sectors
The laboratory investigates the synthesis of various types of nanostructured systems like innovative thin film materials, new low environmental impact molecules for use as vapour phase precursors, and special shaped materials for use in leading edge applications such as nanotubes.
Contacts: Maria Elena Fragalà (+39 0552338712/23) -
Web site:
Centre of Reference for Semicrystalline polymeric materials
The laboratory focuses on the synthesis of semi-crystalline polymers (mainly hydrocarbons) and the characterisation of the physical properties of polymer materials. It also analyses and develops the structure and morphology of new polymers for appropriate industrial sectors (semiconductive and conductive materials for electronics, photochromic materials for optics and electro-optic modulator materials for opto-electronics)
Contacts: Gaetano Guerra (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
Centre of Reference for Surfaces and nanostructured interphases
Large surface extension materials: synthesis, characterisation and modelling. Their particular research focus is on the synthesis, characterisation and modelling of nanostructured materials with highly developed surfaces, and their interaction with gases and liquids
Contacts: Silvia Bordiga (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
CRIMSON (Laboratory for modelling and simulation of molecular organisations and nanosystems)
It develops techniques for calculations linking the molecular properties of functional materials with their more visible aspects and performance in the field, when subjected to the conditions of their real working environments. These include the temperatures, pressures, and where appropriate, the applied fields to which they will be exposed, as well as any surface constrictions or nanometric-scale phenomena that may be applied
Contacts: Claudio Zannoni (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
GISEL (National Centre of Reference for Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems)
Is the first and only national center in the field of research and development of advanced materials for electrochemical energy storage technologies
Contacts: Claudio Gerbaldi (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
LAMM (Molecular Magnetism Laboratory)
LAMM uses magnetic techniques and magnetic resonance to investigate molecular and nano magnets. It also works with external public and private owned academic and industrial laboratories, offering state-of-the-art instruments for magnetic characterisation as well as the measurement of magnetic systems using electronic and nuclear magnetic resonance
Roberta Sessoli (+39 055233871) -

Web site:
LASCAMM (Laboratory for the synthesis and characterisation of organometallic molecular materials)
This laboratory focuses on the synthesis of new materials for low-threshold organic lasers, emitting diodes, optical switches, variable optical filters and polarisers
Contacts: Iolinda Aiello (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
LINCE (Laboratory for ceramic materials technology and engineering)
This is the centre of excellence for ceramic materials. Its research focuses on conventional ceramic materials for use in the construction industry, ceramic-based engineering materials for mechanical and thermo-mechanical applications, and production of materials with high temperature wear resistance, high tenacity at high temperatures, and even superplastic properties
Contacts: Laura Montanaro (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
LITS (Surface treatment engineering laboratory)
LITS' primary focus is investigation, development and modelling of surface treatments for high technology structural materials of coatings
Contacts: Teodoro Valente (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
NIPLAB (Laboratory for nanocomposites and multifunctional polymeric hybrid materials)
This laboratory studies the conventional structural composite materials, to develop and characterise carbon-based nano-additives to increase the mechanical resistance of polymer nanocomposites, and to synthesise new hybrid materials for applications in sectors such as biomedicine
Contacts: Jose M. Kenny (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
PREMIO (Laboratory for the preparation of innovative materials with optimised chemico-physical properties)
PREMIO carries out theoretical modelling, synthesis and characterisation of materials for various sectors and applications. This centre is unique in that it has the capabilities, equipment and instrumentation necessary to develop such materials in bulk
Contacts: Lorenzo Malavasi (+39 055233871) -
Web site:
SKIES-VILLAGE (Science, Knowledge and Innovation for Earth and Space)
Virtual Italian Laboratory for Large Scale Applications in a Geographically-distributed Environment. This laboratory is developing a virtual laboratory as the backbone of a high-performance computational grid to be distributed across the country whose purpose will be to solve certain classes of particularly complex computational problems concerning chemistry and materials science
Contacts: Vincenzo Barone (+39 055233871) -
Web site:

Collaborations with companies

  • Acea S.p.A.
  • Baker Hughes  S.r.l. 
  • Eni S.p.A.


  • "Damp heat–stable perovskite solar cells with tailored-dimensionality 2D/3D heterojunctions", Randi Azmi et al., SCIENCE, 376, 2022, pp. 73-77. DOI: 10.1126/science.abm5784.
  • "A multifunctional chemical toolbox to engineer carbon dots for biomedical and energy applications", Luka Ðorđević et al., Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 2022, pp. 112–130. DOI10.1038/s41565-021-01051-7.
  • "Single-Atom (Iron-Based) Catalysts: Synthesis and Applications", Baljeet Singh et al., Chem. Rev., 121, 2021, pp. 13620–13697. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00158.
  • "A comprehensive review on the nanocomposites loaded with chitosan nanoparticles for food packaging", Farhad Garavand et al., CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION, 62, 2021, pp. 1383-1416. DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2020.1843133.
  • "Transition metal-catalysed molecular n-doping of organic semiconductors", Han Guo et al., Nature,  599, 2021, pp.  67–73. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03942-0.
  • "A Complete Ab Initio View of Orbach and Raman Spin-Lattice Relaxation in a Dysprosium Coordination Compound", Briganti Matteo et al., Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 2021, pp. 13633-13645. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c05068.
  • "Integrated energy conversion and storage devices: Interfacing solar cells, batteries and supercapacitors", Fagiolari Lucia et al., Energy Storage materials, 51, 2022, pp. 400-434. DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2022.06.051.

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Technology transfer partners:

  • EUREKA Venture SGR S.p.A.
  • MATERIAS S.r.l.
  • Mi. To Tech S.r.l.
  • Techint Compagnia Tecnica Internazionale S.p.A.