Chemical Research Handbook

Politecnico di Torino, Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)

General Information

Politecnico di Torino
Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT)
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 - 10129 Torino (TO)
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Prof. Debora FINO
+39 0110904618/4793

CREST Group: Catalytic Reaction Engineering for Sustainable Technologies

Detailed information

69 Full Professors
65 Associate Professors
80 Researchers
10 Structured Technicians
23 Administrative Technicians
8 General Services
Registered students
850 (Academic year 2021/2022)
Post Lauream Training
75 enrolled in doctoral programs in Chemical Engineering
96 enrolled in doctoral programs in Material Science and Technology
42 enrolled in doctoral programs in Physics
90 Research fellows
30 fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail


Aqueous Phase Reforming of organic compounds diluted in water solution and autothermal reforming of biogas, for the production of renewable H2 production. Valorization of lignin and lignocellulosic residuals by catalytic, biological and enzymatic processes. Selective hydrogenation of hexose and pentose sugars. Conversion of animal and vegetable fats to fuel. Life Cycle Assesment (LCA)
Raffaele Pirone (+39 0110904580)
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Photo/electro-catalytic conversion of CO2 to high-value chemicals or fuels (syngas, H2, methane, alcohols, etc). Advanced oxidative processes (AOP) for wastewater treatments or or transformation into useful chemicals and their integration with CO2 reduction processes into multifunctional systems. CO2 capture with absorbents and micro- and mesoporous materials. Desert soils quality improvement by using organic matter as fertilizer. Thermochemical catalytic processes (e.g. power to gas) and biological processes (anaerobic or electrochemical) for bioplastics and biofuels production from CO2 and syngas. Modelling and processes simulation and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)


Development of catalysts for the abatement of pollutants. Study and optimization of novel catalytic and biological processes for exploitation, valorization and reuse of wastes. Limitation of the environmental impact of production processes. Fundamental and applied research on heterogeneous catalysts, photo-catalysts and electro-catalysts


Study of processes and sustainable technologies for monitoring quality and safety of agri-food products (foodomics). Quality and safety of agri-food products through the monitoring of indicators. Nutri-metabolomics: Study of human and food metabolic interaction to verify the food claims or to improve the food practices. Development and application of chemometric tools to automate the production process, monitoring and control or for food processing purpose
Francesco Geobaldo (+39 0110904633 / 0110904562)
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Plant security

Development of experimental methods for the measurement of the deflagrating parameters of powder and layers of dust clouds. Development of risk assessment methods for explosive atmospheres, development of mitigation methods of the explosion hazard. Development of fire risk assessment methods in industrial and civil buildings installations. Risk assessment of the processes of production of biofuels
Luca Marmo (+39 0110904697 / 0110904697)
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Other R&D organizations

CO2 Circle Lab (CCL)
The CCL infrastructure promotes an articulated variety of innovative technologies for the capture, accumulation and use of carbon dioxide emissions of anthropogenic origin (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage - CCUS). CCL therefore focuses on the development of biotechnological, electrochemical and thermochemical processes, based on Renewable Energy Sources (RES), for the formation of products with high added value from CO2, with sustainable process management. Furthermore, CCL develops CCUS processes in strong integration with energy storage systems: hubs of integrated FER-accumulation-CCUS systems (power-to-chemicals, P2C protocols); hub between the main energy networks (power-to-gas (P2G) and gas-to-power (G2P) protocols
Contacts: Fabrizio Pirri (+39 0110907355) -
Web site:
Solar fuels laboratory
Laboratory for the development of photo/bio/electro-catalytic technologies for the conversion of CO2 into sustainable products
Web site:
Anaerobic fermentation laboratory (FERMAN)
Laboratory for the development of biotechnological processes for the transformation of waste into biofuels and biomolecules
Web site:
Biorefinery processes laboratory
Laboratory for the development of sustainable catalytic technologies for the production of fuels and chemical compounds through biorefinery processes
Web site:
"DISAT Excellent Departments" project
The Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) is the reference structure of the Polytechnic of Turin in the cultural areas that study the foundations of matter and energy, their transformation, and related engineering applications. Through the "Departments of Excellence" project, DISAT has equipped itself with a center of excellence for ionic, electronic, optical and atomic force microscopy, an integral spectroscopic instrument
Contacts: Debora Fino (+39 0110904710 , +39 0110904738) -
Web site:

Collaborations with companies

  • ACEA
  • Danieli
  • Eni
  • Ferrero
  • General Motors Global Propulsion Systems
  • Lavazza
  • Technip Energies
  • Versalis


Publications available at the Institutional Repository PORTO@IRIS:

More info

Full list of research groups at DISAT: