Chemical Research Handbook

Sapienza Università di Roma, Department of Chemistry

General Information

Sapienza Università di Roma
Department of Chemistry
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5 - 00185 Roma (RM)
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Prof. Luciano GALANTINI
+39 0649693269

Research contact: Raffaella Gianferri -

Detailed information

11 Full Professors
36 Associate Professors
28 Researchers
10 Structured Technicians
11 Administrative Technicians
5 General Services
Registered students
2,581 (Academic year 2022/2023)
Post Lauream Training
66 enrolled in doctoral programs in Chemical Science
2 enrolled in doctoral programs in Mathematical Modelling for Engineering, Electromagnetism, Nanoscience
4 enrolled in doctoral programs in Chemical processes for industry and the environment
24 enrolled in II level Master in Characterisation and technologies for the remediation of polluted sites
19 enrolled in II level Master in Forensic analytical methodologies
9 enrolled in II level Master in Scientific investigation techniques in the food sector
25 Research fellows
2 fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail

Multi-stimulus polymers

Meccanismi di reazione di interesse chimico o biochimico e sintesi di nuovi copolimeri metacrilici multi-stimolo sensibili


Molecules from biological precursors for the preparation of nanostructured biomaterials
Luciano Galantini (+39 0649913687)
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Homogeneous catalysis

C-H functionalization by echocompatible Supramolecular catalysts
Stefano Di Stefano (+39 0649913057)
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Functionalized nanomaterials for applications in nanomedicine optoelectronics and sensing


Combined chemical-physical and biological processes for the sustainable remediation of contaminated groundwater
Marco Petrangeli Papini (+39 0649913948)
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Bioactive compounds

Asymmetric synthesis of natural products and new compounds with antiviral and anticancer activity

Circular economy

Treatment of e-wastes
Francesca Pagnanelli (+39 0649913367)
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Solid state materials characterization for eco-sustainable processes

Sustainable chemistry

Nonheme iron complexes: efficient and selective catalysts for sustainable oxidative processes
Osvaldo Lanzalunga (+39 0649913711)
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Circular economy

Extraction and characterization of polyhydroxialkanoates from microbial mixed cultures
Andrea Martinelli (+39 0649913950)
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Green solvents

Development of "green" extractive methods by supercritical fluids to extract bioactive molecules and biopolymers to biological matrices

Circular economy

Heavy metal removal by biomasses (biosorption)
Francesca Pagnanelli (+39 0649913367)
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New sorbent materials and neoteric solvents for environmental and bioanalytical applications
Alessandra Gentili (+39 0649913230)
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Microalgae cultivation for the production of fine chemicals


Solar radiation for the production of energy

Heterogeneous catalysis

Eco-sustainable processes for the abatement of polluting gases and for production of hydrogen by heterogeneous catalysis
Daniela Pietrogiacomi (+39 0644913304)
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Bio and nanomaterials for the delivery of nucleic acids for human cancer control

Solar energy

Electrochemical devices for energy production and storage (batteries, fuel cells and electrolyzers for the production of hydrogen)
Maria Assunta Navarra (+39 0649913711)
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Bio-based polymers for biomedical and environmental applications
Iolanda Francolini (+39 0649913162)
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Other R&D organizations

Scientific calculation cluster 6DOT
6DOT is a computing platform that has 4 computing nodes, with the following configuration: 2 Intel SKL-ST4116 12C 2.1GHz; 4 16Gb DDR4; 2 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080Ti. The Cluster is accessible from the front-end node through the ssh protocol. The calculations are managed with a Torque / Maui-based queuing system that optimizes the available resources at best. The available development packages are: gcc, g ++, gfortran, Intel / 13.1.1, pgi / 16.1, openmpi / gcc, openmpi / icc
Contacts: Marco D'Abramo -
Web site:
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR) laboratories
The NMR instrumentation of the service uses a superconducting magnet at 9.4 T (400 MHz for the proton) with specific measuring heads (carbon and hydrogen) and multinuclear heads for all nuclei with resonance frequencies between that of phosphorus 31 and that of the silver 109, has the most advanced type of software and hardware and is able to perform the most modern multidimensional, homonuclear and inverse heteronuclear experiments also in relation to the presence of an efficient magnetic field gradient generation system
Contacts: Francesca Leonelli (+39 0649913197) -
Web site:
Elementary Analysis Laboratory
The elemental analyzer, EA 1110 CHNS-O, is an equipment that allows the determination of the percentage of C, H, N and S in organic, inorganic solid or liquid samples (non-volatile liquids, oils). The analytical method of determination consists in: combustion of the sample (1000 ° C) followed by catalytic oxidation and reduction processes; separation of the gases produced in a gas-chromatographic column and analysis of the same with a thermal conductivity detector; signal processing and determination of the percentage of elements present in the sample with the EAGER 200 program
Contacts: Maria Pia Donzello (+39 0649913330) -
Web site:
Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction Laboratory (XRD)
The Xcalibur O diffractometer operates with a 4-circle goniometer in kappa geometry. It is equipped with a Spellman DF60N3 X-ray generator, an Opal CCD detector, a video microscope and fiber optic lighting. Work with CrysAlisPro software packag3
Contacts: Gustavo Portalone (+39 0649913106) -
Web site:
Porosimetry Laboratory for the characterization of micro- and meso-porous solids
Micrometrics 3FLEX (Surface Characterization Analyzer - porosimeter) with automatic physisorption and chemisorption analyzer for the characterization of micro- and meso-porous solids, both crystalline and amorphous, of inorganic, organic nature or with mixed organic-inorganic structure
Contacts: Ida Pettiti (+39 0649913378) -
Web site:
Photoemission Spectroscopy Laboratory (XPS)
Integrated X-ray photoemission apparatus and photoemission spectroscopy
Contacts: Andrea Giacomo Marrani (+39 0649913316) -
Web site:
Raman Spectroscopy Laboratory
Raman spectroscopy is based on the phenomenon of inelastic diffusion of electromagnetic radiation due to interaction with the vibrational and rotational motions of a molecule (Raman effect). The spectrum of light scattered by materials illuminated by a coherent and monochromatic radiation (laser) depends only on the vibrations of the chemical bonds that make up the compound under examination, allowing to obtain information on the chemical composition, the molecular structure and the intermolecular interactions. It is a non-invasive, non-destructive technique and is of fundamental interest in various fields of materials science and cultural heritage
Contacts:  Andrea Giacomo Marrani (+39 0649913316) -
Web site:
UHPLC-MS/MS system with hybrid triple quadrupole-linear ion trap analyzer 6500 QTRAP Plus and Selex Ion technology (differential mobility). The analytical system is suitable for the analysis of complex liquid samples, the instrumentation is based on ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, which consent the separation of analytes, coupled with mass spectrometry for their detection. The system is characterized by ultra-high sensitivity for the detection of trace analytes.
Contacts: Roberta Curini (+39 0649913559) -
The activities of NSC_Lab (Nanosynthesis and charaterizazion laboratory) focus on innovative and nanostructured materials with the final aim of developing knowledge-based materials for advanced technological applications. In particular, our approach integrates the advanced synthesis methods and characterizations for organometallic complexes and rigid rod polymers, nanostructured polymers, and functionalized metal nanoparticles, for applications in optoelectronics, sensors, nanomedicine and biotechnology. Keywords: nanosynthesis, metal nanoparticles, functionalized nanopolymers, nanocomposites
Contacts: Ilaria Fratoddi (+39 0649913182) -
Web site:
Sapienza NMLab
The Metabolomics Laboratory based on NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy of the Sapienza University (NMLab) is an integrated system of equipment and knowledge mainly dedicated to metabolomic analysis. Its nerve center is the high-resolution NMR spectrometer JNM-ECZ 600R, equipped with a 14.09 Tesla magnet, autosampler and cryoprobe
Contacts: Federico Marini -
Web site:
SAXSLab Sapienza
SAXSLab Sapienza is a structural characterization laboratory by Xenocs XEUSS 2.0 X-ray diffractometer. The instrument allows measurements of Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS), Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) and Grazing Incidence Small Angle Scattering (GISAXS). These techniques are widely applicable for the characterization of matter at the nano and meso-scale
Contacts: Luciano Galantini (+39 0649913687) -
Web site:

Collaborations with companies

  • Analytical Solutions S.r.l.
  • D-Art S.r.l.
  • Eco Recycling S.r.l.
  • RePET S.r.l.
  • Trireme S.r.l.

More info

The Chemistry  Department has numerous research collaborations with Italian and foreign companies. These include those for the implementation of Research, Development and Innovation Projects of potential interest to companies in Lazio (on FESR funds European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 POR). Furthermore, it participates in the DTC Lazio, Center of Excellence of the Technological District of Culture of the Lazio Region. Some of the PhD scholarships in Chemical Sciences are financed by the Lazio Region as innovation doctorates in collaboration with companies