Chemical Research Handbook

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences (DBSV)

General Information

Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences (DBSV)
Via J.H. Dunant 3 - 21100 Varese (VA)
Web site:
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Prof. Luigi VALDATTA
+39 0332421392

Detailed information

17 Full Professors
33 Associate Professors
20 Researchers
17 Structured Technicians
11 Administrative Technicians
Registered students
1,144 (Academic year 2022/2023)
Post Lauream Training
28 enrolled in Doctorate in Life Sciences and Biotechnology
28 Research fellows
18 Fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail

Protein engineering

Plastic degradation (PET) by enzymatic treatment using engineered enzymes: bioplastics from proteins recovered from insect larvae grown on wastes


Lignin degradation by enzymatic treatment; system biocatalysis of molecules from lignin depolymerization

Recombinant proteins

Production of recombinant proteins for biocatalysis and other applications (vaccines)


Identification, production, and characterisation of chitinases and chitin deacetylases for chitin transformation/valorisation and as biopesticides
Francesca Berini (+39 0332421332)
download business card

Microbial fermentations

Production of antibiotics and other bioactive molecules from fermentation of microbial strains


Chemoenzimatic processes for the valorization of lignin: toolbox of ligninolitic enzymes

Sustainable polymers

Identification and catalytic transformation of bio-based building-blocks, industrial wastes and carbon dioxide for the synthesis of polymers and high added-value products
Francesco Della Monica (+39 0332421310)
download business card

Metabolic engineering

Plastic degradation (PET) by enzymatic treatment using engineered enzymes: Production of recombinant engineered microbial strains (by metabolic engineering) to produce biomolecules (e.g., amino acids)

Collaborations with companies

  • BioC-CheM Solutions S.r.l.
  • Gnosis by Lesaffre
  • Hyperion Pharms S.r.l.
  • Isagro S.p.A. 
  • IWT S.r.l.
  • Prometeon Tire GroupS.r.l.
  • Techniplast S.p.A.
  • Vibram S.p.a.


  • Yushchuk O., Vior N.M., Andreo-Vidal A., Berini F., Rückert C., Busche T., Binda E., Kalinowski J., Truman AW, Marinelli F.,  "Genomic-led discovery of a novel glycopeptide antibiotic by Nonomuraea coxensis", DSM 45129, ACS Chem Biol. 2021.16(5):915-928
  • Berini F., Casartelli M., Montali A., Reguzzoni M., Tettamanti G., Marinelli F., "Metagenome-sourced microbial chitinases as potential insecticide proteins", Front Microbiol. 2019. 10:1358
  • Santoro O., Malacarne M.C., Sarcone F., Scapinello L., Pragliola S., Caruso E., Orlandi V.T., Izzo L., "Inherently antimicrobial P(MMA-ran-DMAEMA) copolymers sensitive to photodynamic therapy: a double bactericidal effect", Int J Mol Sci. 2023. 24:4340
  • Maquilón C., Brandolese A., Alter C., Hövelmann C.H., Della Monica F., Kleij A.W., "Renewable beta-elemen eBased cyclic carbonates for the preparation of oligo(hydroxyurethane)s", ChemSusChem 2022. 15:e2022011
  • Pirillo V., Orlando M., Battaglia C., Pollegioni L.,  Molla G., "Efficient polyethylene terephthalate degradation at moderate temperature: a protein engineering study of LC-cutinase highlights the key role of residue 243", FEBS Journal, 2023.  290(12):3185–3202
  • Molinari F., Pollegioni L., Rosini E., "Whole-cell bioconversion of renewable biomasses-related aromatics to cis,cis-muconic acid", ACS Sustain Chem Eng. 2023. 11(6):2476–2485
  • Ballestri M., Marras E., Caruso E., Bolognese F., Malacarne M.C., Martella E., Tubertini E., Gariboldi M.B., Varchi G., "Free and poly-methyl-methacrylate-bounded BODIPYs: Photodynamic and antimigratory effects in 2D and 3D cancer models", Cancers, 2023. 15 (92):1-21