Chemical Research Handbook

Università degli Studi di Messina, Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Science

General Information

Università degli Studi di Messina
Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Science
Viale F. Stagno d’Alcontres 31 – 98166 Messina (ME)
Web site:
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Prof. Sebastiano CAMPAGNA
+39 0906765709

Starting from Academic year A.A. 2020/21, the Department has activated a three-year course of studies in Sustainability and Environmental Innovation. The course complements the existing course of studies in Chemistry, providing a less specialized but more interdisciplinary preparation in the fields of interest for environmental issues

Detailed information

31 Full Professors
68 Associate Professors
50 Researchers
18 Structured Technicians
13 Administrative Technicians
8 General Services
Registered students
2,700 (Academic year 2019/2020)

Post Lauream Training
58 enrolled in Doctorates in Chmical sciences, Biology, industrial chemistry 
27 Research fellows and fellows

Other R&D organizations

CASPE (Laboratory of Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Production)- Reference center for INSTM
Centre for the study of functional materials and analytical technologies for sustainable processes
Contacts: Siglinda Perathoner (+39 0906765609 - +39 3478768833) -
Interuniversitary Research Center for artificial Photosynthesis (SOLARCHEM)
Interuniversitary center including Messina, Bologna and Ferrara Universities
Contacts: Sebastiano Campagna (+39 0906765709) -
Laboratory for supramolecular photochemistry and ultrafast spectroscopy
Contacts: Fausto Puntoriero (+39 0906765727) -
Web site: