Chemical Research Handbook

Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Biosciences

General Information

Università degli Studi di Milano
Department of Biosciences
Via Celoria 26 - 20133 Milano (MI)
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Prof. Paolo LANDINI
+39 0250314814

Detailed information

21 Full Professors
52 Associate Professors
25 Researchers
3 Technologists
24 Structured Technicians
19 Administrative Technicians
2 General Services
Registered students
1,577 (Academic year 2022/2023)
Post Lauream Training
69 enrolled in doctoral programs in Molecular and Cellular Biology
39 Research fellows
20 fellows 

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail

Transcriptional factors

Structural characterization of inhibitors of transcription factors as possible anticancer drugs and for the treatment of muscular dystrophy
Marco Nardini (+39 0250314893)
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Mucosal vaccination using a protozoan parasite as a vehicle for antigen delivery

Antimicrobial peptides

Development of peptide libraries to identify interfering peptides as new antimicrobial solutions
Simona Masiero (+39 0250315039)
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Vascular physiology

Identification of new antiangiogenic & vasoactive therapeutic candidates in Oncology/Ophthalmology to treat solid cancers and neovascular eye diseases (e.g. retinopathies, age-related macular degeneration)
Alessandro Fantin (+39 0250314952)
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Development of compounds protecting from mosquito bites
Paolo Gabrieli (+39 0250314786)
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Plant biotechnology

Engineering of plant reproduction to introduce the production of clonal seeds in crops
Lucia Colombo (+39 0250314772)
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Mechanisms of wild-type and engineered enzyme reactions, inhibition and regulation, in particular flavoprotein oxidoreductases, also with rapid reaction approaches and under anaerobiosis
Maria Antonietta Vanoni (+39 0250314901)
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Terapia fagica

Developmento of phage therapy as a tool to fight antibiotic resistant bacterial infections
Federica Briani (+39 0250314839)
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Protein aggregation

Structural biology and biophysics of amyloidogenic proteins that produce toxic aggregates. Systemic amyloidosis with cardiac involvement
Stefano Ricagno (+39 0250314914)
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Other R&D organizations

Cytometry facility
The facilty allows to perform a mutiparametric analysis on monodispersed  suspensions of cells on the basis of their physical and optical charachterstics (often by employing specific fluorescent markers). The presence of a FACS sorter also allows to select and collect (up to  single cell level) specific cell types, for further downstream applications (i.e. cloning, colture, RT-PCR, DNA/RNA seq)
Contacts: Claudia Bazzini (+39 0250314931) - 
Web site:
Platform for molecular interactions
The MST (microscale thermophoresis) analysis offers users the ability to measure affinity over a wide range of dissociation constant (Kd): from very strong bonds to weak interactions, therefore it can be used both in basic research and in the characterization of small molecules in pharmacological field
Contacts: Stefano Ricagno (+39 0250314914) -

Web site:
Histology Platform
The Histology Platform provides expertise and instrumentation necessary for the preparation and processing of biological samples included in paraffin, OCT or other microtome cutting media, vibratome or cryostat depending on the tissue and/or subsequent staining or method to be performed
Contacts: Massimo Alini (+39 0250315023) -
Web site:
Microbiology and Functional Genomics Platform (MI-GEM)
MI-GEM offers services using model microorganisms, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, such as the collection of bacterial strains and vectors supplied upon request, the preparation of competent E. coli cells, the development of MIC determination assays and functional genomics in yeast. Currently these activities are reserved for internal users of the Department of Biosciences.
Contacts: Federica Briani (+39 0250314839) - federica.briani@unimi.i

Web site:
Platform for advanced technologies
The platform for advanced technologies is equipped by: 1) ImageXpress Micro Confocal, high content screening microscope system for fast and automated imaging of biological samples both in bright field and with fluorescence; 2) SMARTer ICELL8 cx Single Cell, for single cell high-throughput studies; 3) Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer, for real-time quantification of cellular bioenergetic parameters
Contacts: Cristina Ruberti (+39 0250315047) -
Web site:
Fermentation Platform
The microorganism fermentation facility, housed in a fully-equipped laboratory located in the basement of Tower building A, supplies the necessary expertise and instrumentation for the scale up of microorganism fermentation processes, from laboratory scale to pilot scale. The facility is particularly indicated for achieving optimal conditions for recombinant protein overexpression. Furthermore, cell masses can be lysed using a highly efficient cell disrupter instrument
Contacts: Marco Antonio Benati (+39 0250315043) -
Web site:
The DBS coordinates the activities of the Microscopy facility UNITECH NOLIMITS to which external users, supported by technical assistance, can access. The services offered are: Fluorescence Optical Microscopy (Wide-field, Single- and Multi-photon Confocal microscopes, Super Resolution, Spinning Disk and Stereomicroscopy); Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM-EDS, TEM with STEM/EDX) on inorganic, polymeric and biological material; Preparation of samples for electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and cryoultramicrotomy; MRI for magnetic resonance analysis on small animals; image analysis
Contacts: Alex Costa (+39 0250314831) -

Web site:
A facility hosting a 200 kV FEG Talos Artctica cryo electron microscope for the study of macromolecular complexes at near atomic resolution through application of single particle cryo EM techniques. The lab is a University facility,that part of the UNITECH NOLIMITS and it was acquired partly supported by the Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi Pediatric Research Center
Contacts: Marco Nardini (+39 0250314893) -
Web site:
Plants Platform
The Plants Platform is a center for collecting, implementing and disseminating techniques and technologies related to the study of plants. The technical staff involved is available to the DBS research groups interested in using the services provided. The platform provides a seed bank service for the conservation of the germplasm of ecotypes, cultivars or mutants at controlled temperature and humidity. In addition, it provides a plasmid repository service dedicated to clones of interest to the plant area, in collaboration and with the help of the microbiology platform
Web site:
Protein Purification Platform
Service for purification, engineering and characterization of proteins, including recombinant ones. Setting up and execution of enzymatic assays
Contacts: Louise Gourlay (+39 0250314903) - 
Web site:

Collaborations with companies

  • Italfarmaco  S.p.A.
  • Dompé farmaceutici S.p.A.


  • Arnoldi I, Mancini G, Fumagalli M, Gastaldi D, D'Andrea L, Bandi C, Di Venere M, Iadarola P, Forneris F, Gabrieli P., "A salivary factor binds a cuticular protein and modulates biting by inducing morphological changes in the mosquito labrum", Curr Biol. 2022 Aug 22;32(16):3493-3504.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.06.049
  • Cellupica E, Caprini G, Cordella P, Cukier C, Fossati G, Marchini M, Rocchio I, Sandrone G, Vanoni MA, Vergani B, Źrubek K, Stevenazzi A, Steinkühler C., "Difluoromethyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoles are slow-binding substrate analog inhibitors of histone deacetylase 6 with unprecedented isotype selectivity", J Biol Chem. 2023 Jan;299(1):102800. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102800
  • Cellupica E, Caprini G, Fossati G, Mirdita D, Cordella P, Marchini M, Rocchio I, Sandrone G, Stevenazzi A, Vergani B, Steinkühler C, Vanoni MA., "The Importance of the "Time Factor" for the Evaluation of Inhibition Mechanisms: The Case of Selected HDAC6 Inhibitors", Biology (Basel). 2023 Jul 26;12(8):1049. doi: 10.3390/biology12081049
  • Epis S, Varotto-Boccazzi I, Manenti A, Rubolini D, Gabrieli P, Cattaneo GM, Gourlay L, Dapporto F, Monti M, Razzano I, Leonardi M, Iannacone M, Recordati C, Bertola L, Fiorina P, Marvasi L, Montomoli E, Zuccotti G, Bandi C., "Efficacy of mucosal vaccination using a protozoan parasite as a vehicle for antigen delivery: IgG and neutralizing response after rectal administration of LeCoVax-2, a candidate vaccine against COVID-19", Pharmacol Res. 2022 Dec;186:106546. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2022.106546
  • Milazzo, F. M., Chaves-Sanjuan, A., Minenkova, O., Santapaola, D., Anastasi, A. M., Battistuzzi, G., Chiapparino, C., Rosi, A., Merlo Pich, E., Albertoni, C., Marra, E., Luberto, L., Viollet, C., Spagnoli, L. G., Riccio, A., Rossi, A., Santoro, M. G., Ballabio, F., Paissoni, C., Camilloni, C., De Santis, R. (2023), "Spike mutation resilient scFv76 antibody counteracts SARS-CoV-2 lung damage upon aerosol delivery", Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy, 31(2), 362–373.
  • Paroni M, Leccese G, Ranzani V, Moschetti G, Chiara M, Perillo F, Ferri S, Clemente F, Noviello D, Conforti FS, Ferrero S, Karnani B, Bosotti R, Vasco C, Curti S, Crosti MC, Gruarin P, Rossetti G, Conte MP, Vecchi M, Pagani M, Landini P, Facciotti F, Abrignani S, Caprioli F, Geginat J., "An intestinal Th17 subset is associated with inflammation in Crohn's Disease and activated by adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC)", J Crohns Colitis. 2023 Jul 18:jjad119. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad119
  • Rosa S, Tagliani A, Bertaso C, Tadini L, Visentin C, Gourlay LJ, Pricl S, Feni L, Pellegrino S, Pesaresi P, Masiero S.,"The cyclic peptide G4CP2 enables the modulation of galactose metabolism in yeast by interfering with GAL4 transcriptional activity". Front Mol Biosci. 2023 Mar 1;10:1017757. doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2023.1017757