Chemical Research Handbook

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Department of Pharmacy

General Information

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Department of Pharmacy
Via Domenico Montesano 49 - 80131 Napoli (NA)
Web site:
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Prof. Angela ZAMPELLA
+39 081679934

Detailed information

35 Full Professors
61 Associate Professors
44 Researchers
16 Structured Technicians
13 Administrative Technicians
5 General Services
Registered students
580 (Academic year 2021/2022)
Post Lauream Training
39 enrolled in Doctorates in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nutraceuticals, functional foods and human health
14 Research fellows
17 fellows

Other R&D organizations

Drug-utilization studies with special reference to the study of determinants of drug consumption, adherence and persistence in therapy, and the development of new indicators for assessing the quality of prescribing. Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of drug therapies by determining cost-effectiveness, cost-utility, and cost-benefits ratio
Contacts: Enrica Menditto (+39 081678669) -
Web site: