Chemical Research Handbook

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali, Institute of Crystallography (IC)

General Information

CNR - Dipartimento Scienze Chimiche e Tecnologie dei Materiali
Institute of Crystallography (IC)
Via Amendola 122/O - 70126 Bari (BA)
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+39 0805929167

Detailed information

57 Researchers
7 Technologists
6 Structured Technicians
13 AdministrativeTechnicians
Registered students
Post Lauream Training
 7 Research fellows

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R&D activities detail


Characterization of the biological features of candidate compounds by using dedicated cellular models examined by the means of High-content (HCS) and high-throughput screening (HTS) approaches, towards the identification of new therapeutical approaches to be used in aging-related pathologies
Marianna Flora Tomasello (+39 0957338443)
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Crystallization techniques for the separation of biopharmaceutical products such as antibodies in the post-production stages. Use of immobilized enzymes in crystalline form for semi-artificial photosynthesis and for the conversion of CO2 into chemical compounds
Rocco Caliandro (+39 0805929150)
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Characterization and implementation of biological processes for the production of biosensors, bioenergy and fine chemicals
Giuseppina Rea (+39 0690672631)
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Characterization, through the development and application of advanced diffraction methods, of molecules of pharmaceutical interest
Angela Altomare (+39 0805929155)
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Drug design

Design and synthesis of molecules with potential biological activity in the pharmacological and diagnostic fields
Michele Saviano (+39 0823274757)
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Advanced characterization with diffraction/imaging techniques of organic and inorganic materials for technological applications


Design, synthesis and characterization of derivatives of natural molecules or peptide / peptidomimetic sequences and their functionalization with bioactive scaffolds for the realization of new systems with biological elements (receptors, proteins, metal ions) molecular recognition ability and mechanisms modulation for the restoration of cellular homeostasis altered by pathological processes
Giuseppe Pappalardo (+39 095733842)
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Other R&D organizations

Laboratory is devoted mainly to the preparation of biological samples before performing measurements through x-ray, such as diffraction from crystals (MX) or Small/ Wide Angle Scattering (SAXS, WAXS), at the instrumentations of our institute and / or synchrotron facilities. Preparation consists of purification and, if necessary, subsequent crystallization. In addition, the laboratory is used as a support for other laboratories, both for the preparation of samples in the nano-material sector (XMIL@B) and for the crystallization of small molecules. In addition, it also carries out the activity of synthesis of materials (mainly based on phosphates) in the liquid and / or solid phase for use in the cultural heritage and biomedical sectors.
Contacts: Dritan Siliqi (+39 0805929164) –
Web site:
Sheets deriving from the workshops on the laboratories:
Molecular analysis and biosensoristic
The laboratory is dedicated to the quantitative analysis of molecular recognition events carried out through the application of PCR and Real-Time PCR techniques for the determination of differential gene expression from different types of samples, and electrochemical techniques for the development of sensors / biosensors. for use in the agro-environmental and medical sectors.
Contacts: Giuseppina Rea (+39 0690672631) -
Web site:
Biophysical Characterization
The Biophysical Characterization Laboratory houses a range of equipment for the analysis of the biophysical properties of proteins as well as intermolecular interactions. Techniques available include: UV-visible spectrophotometry; Dynamic Light Scattering for molecular size and polydispersity characterization; Differential Scanning Fluorimetry to track protein thermal stability and to qualitatively study protein-ligand interaction in HT format; Isothermal titration calorimetry by a Malvern MicroCal iTC200 to deliver direct, label-free in solution measurement of all binding parameters (binding constants (KD), reaction stoichiometry (n), enthalpy (∆H) and entropy (ΔS)), providing a complete thermodynamic profile of the molecular interaction between binding partners in their native states; Grating Coupled Interferometry by GCI Creoptix Wave, an innovative technique developed for the high-sensitivity kinetics and affinity analysis (KD, kon, koff) of label-free molecular interactions with improved sensitivity levels respect to SPR.
Contacts: Sonia Covaceuszach  (+39 0403757520) -
Web site:
Algal Growth
The laboratory allows for the growth of different algal strains of fresh and marine water sources, as well as their physiological characterization by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy through main parameters as growth rate, cell count, microscopical observation, analysis of the main photosynthetic pigment content, photosynthetic activity. This activity enables the selection of novel biological recognition components for the development of biosensors for agro-environmental monitoring, as well as new genetic variants of the algae suitable for bioremediation applications. Finally, these studies help to produce novel functional materials and estimate their performance propensity towards cultural heritage and green building, in relation to the durability requirement in the presence of colonizing microorganisms (observations under an optical microscope) and its non-toxicity (algal vitality).
Contacts: Viviana Scognamiglio (+39 0690672479) -
Web site:
Sheets deriving from the workshops on the laboratories:
Research is mainly focused on: i) studies of adaptation and acclimation of photochemical reactions toward biotic and abiotic stress factors; ii) unraveling the correlation between structure and functionality of pigment-protein complexes; iii) development of biological assays based on photosynthetic activity (whole cells, extracts and macromolecular assemblies) for the detection of environmental pollutants; studies on the interaction of nanomaterials and microalgae. The laboratory is equipped to perform analyses on the efficiency of the primary photosynthetic reactions and photosynthetic yield of unicellular phototrophs and higher plants. Main technics exploited in the laboratory are based on chlorophyll a fluorescence spectroscopy and polarographic detection of oxygen production or consumption rate.
Contacts: Giuseppina Rea (+39 0690672631) -
Web site:
Laboratory dedicated to the application of computational methods to understand, characterize and design chemical systems in the context of drug discovery and predictive toxicology. Research activities focus on: i) structure-based and ligand-based drug design; ii) development of algorithms for bioactivity and toxicity prediction; iii) application of molecular dynamics simulations on complex biological systems. This computational activity is fully integrated with structural biology and medicinal chemistry experiments

Giuseppe Mangiatordi (+39 0805929158) -

Web site:
Protein expression and purification laboratory
The protein expression and purification laboratory provides highly pure protein samples suitable for structural studies. It employs traditional and Restriction free cloning techniques to construct expression plasmids, using a wide range of bacterial expression vectors to improve protein solubility. In case of insoluble proteins, refolding protocols can be routinary optimized. The lab specializes in parallel small-scale screening in multiple bacteria strains to optimize protein quality and in scaling-up to 10L of culture to obtain milligrams of recombinant protein, using thermostatic and refrigerated shaking incubators. Large capacity refrigerated centrifuges, a high speed refrigerated centrifuge and a Sonicator allow to obtain clear extracts. Protein purification is achieved combining multiple steps of different chromatographic techniques (AC, IEX, HIC, SEC) by a FPLC AKTA PURE 25 system. A dedicated cold room is available in case of temperature sensitive targets.
Contacts: Alessandro Pesaresi (+39 0403757520) -
Web site:
Mass Spectrometry lab
Laboratory dedicated to complementary mass spectrometry techniques (High-Resolution Accurate-Mass Orbitrap system, connect to Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography and a MALDI-TOF spectrometer), that allow the identification and characterization of wide spectrum of compounds, from small molecules to large polymers, and that reach accuracy (nanomolar), sensitivity and resolution suitable for many applications.

Giulia Grasso (+39 0957338432) -

Web site:
Thermodynamic Lab
The Thermodynamics laboratory is equipped with the following instruments: Differential Scanning NanoCalorimeter TA Instruments; Isothermal Titration NanoCalorimeter TA Instruments; Metrohm Autolab 86465 potentiostat; Metrohm Titrando 905 titrator.
Contacts: Danilo Milardi (+39 0957338438) -
Web site:
X-ray diffractometer using a 18kW rotating anode with copper target and a horizontal 2θ/θ goniometer (independent or coupled) with a range of measure from 4 to 145 degrees (in 2θ geometry). The diffractometer is equipped with an asymmetric Johansson Ge(111) crystal on the incident beam to select the monochromatic Cu Kα 1 radiation (λ= 1.54056 Å). The diffractometer is provided with two detectors: 1) NaI scintillator counter; 2) Silicon strip D/teX Ultra detector. The measurements are executed at room temperature in Debye Scherrer geometry by introducing the sample in a Lindemann glass capillary (capillary size: 0.1mm Ø – 2.0 mm Ø), which is mounted on the axis of the diffractometer. To reduce the effect of possible preferred orientation, the capillary is rotated during measurement to improve the randomization of the orientations of the individual crystallites.
Contacts: Rosanna Rizzi (+39 0805929157) –
Web site:
Synthesis laboratory
Two microwave-assisted peptide synthesizers (Liberty, CEM) are operating at the IC synthesis laboratory in Catania, capable of satisfying the growing demand for synthetic peptides. Microwave-assisted solid-phase peptide synthesis (MW-SPPS) is a very high-speed, high-efficiency technology widely used for research, recently also available on a kilo scale. MW-SPPS is advantageous in terms of yield, purity, time savings and solvent consumption. The reaction temperature in the mono-modal cavity, monitored by an internal fiber optic sensor, makes the procedure highly reproducible. MW-SPPS can be a reliable technological support for the rapid production of difficult peptide sequences and peptide conjugates, with an incomparable quality.
Contacts: Giuseppe Pappalardo  (+39 0957338428) -
Web site:
Experimental and computational laboratory aiming at reconstructing structural, microstructural and dynamic behavior of nanocrystalline, partially ordered and disordered materials at different length scales (ranging from atomic resolution up to the mm size), and to correlate it with the material functional properties.

Antonietta Guagliardi (+39 0312386635) -

Web site:
X-RAY Microimaging Laboratory (XMI-L@b)
Imaging diffraction facility where it is possible to collect low and high scattering angle data in transmission mode (SAXS / WAXS) or in reflection mode (GISAXS / GIWAXS). It is used for molecular and atomic scale analysis of fabrics, natural or engineered, thin films, nanostructured surfaces.
Contacts: Davide Altamura (+39 0805929163) -
Web site:
Hard X-ray diffraction beamline, equipped with Huber goniometer (k geometry), fully controllable remotely, coupled to a two-dimensional hybrid Dectris Pilatus 2M detector. The beamline hosts experiments of single crystal diffraction on small molecules and proteins, diffraction from powders or surfaces (in grazing incidence) and physics of high pressures.

Luisa Barba (+39 0403757524) -

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