Chemical Research Handbook

Università degli Studi di Brescia, Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics (DICATAM)

General Information

Università degli Studi di Brescia
Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering and Mathematics (DICATAM)
Via Branze 43 - 25123 Brescia (BS)
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Prof. Giorgio BERTANZA
+39 0303711201


Detailed information

19 Full Professors
39 Associate Professors
25 Researchers
8 Structured Technicians
11 Administrative Technicians
Registered students
1,200 (Academic year 2022/2023)
Post Lauream Training
58 enrolled in doctoral programs in Civil and Environmental Engineering, International cooperation and Mathematics
28 Research fellows
19 fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail


Approaches to increase the carbon sequestration in soil, to reduce the GHG emission and the water contamination in herbaceous and tree crops


Strategies for the economic sustainability of agri-food systems: innovation, business models, consumer preferences, management of environmental resources

Electroactive polymers

Modelling electroactive polymers including mobile charged species with applications in actuation, sensing, and energy harvesting
Lorenzo Bardella (+39 0303711238)
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Recovery of critical materials from spent Li-ion batteries
Mentore Vaccari (+39 0303711300)
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Application of the Life Cycle Assessment methodology to model production systems, evaluate environmental impacts and detect mitigation strategies such technologies and management stretegies


Development and application of scientific approaches to the study of the (positive and/or negative) impacts of organisms on human health and economy

Circular economy

Catalytic treatment of emissions from stationary and mobile sources
Nancy Artioli (+39 3403207518)
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Ecological transition

Systemic and innovative approach to study herbaceous and tree crops through multidisciplinary studies and applying Agriculture 4.0 technologies and precision farming


Stripping of nitrogen from digestate of livestock manure: optimization of process and energy performance
Alessandro Abbà (+39 0303711303)
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Circular economy

Quantitative evaluation of nitrogen excretion, GHG and ammonia emissions in livestock sector


Development of innovative processes for the treatment of contaminated land
Mentore Vaccari (+39 0303711300)
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Industrial symbiosis

Modelling matrial flows and performance indicators
Marta Domini (+39 0303711301)
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Circular economy

Release of pollutants from recycled materials used for environmental applications and in the construction sector
Sabrina Sorlini (+39 0303711299)
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Circular economy

Use of agricultural waste for environmental reclamation activities
Mentore Vaccari (+39 0303711300)
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Production of green H2 from seawater through an innovative high-temperature electrolyzer with integration into the power-to-methanol process (PROMETH2eus project)
Nancy Artioli (+39 3403207518)
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Evaluation of fertility in agricultural, urban and forest soils in response to agricultural practices and contamination


Evalutation of biodiversity in response to sustainable management of agrosystems


An innovative bioassay based approach to assess environmental sustainability of liquid, solid and gaseous emissions
Giorgio Bertanza (+39 0303711201)
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Other R&D organizations

ARH - Agrofood Research Hub
Agrofood Research Hub is a multidisciplinary research group that works to promote sustainable production in agriculture, environmental health and socio-economic enhancement of the agri-food sector. The aim of the laboratory is to support actors in various capacities operating in the field of agricultural production and agro-food processing in the path towards the ecological transition, developing projects that promote innovation and quality, for the benefit of society, business and territory. Agrofood Research Hub consists of 7 hubs that provide expertise on: Resources and data management protocols; Land use, production, weather-climatology, biological parameters; Models and systems to support decisions; Online tool; Instruments for scientific research; Methodologies and equipment for chemical, physical and microbiological analysis of environmental matrices (soil, water, air), plants and animals
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CEEP - Catalysis for Energy and Environmental Protection
The CEEP lab - Catalysis for Energy and Environmental Protection - laboratory is engaged in the development of catalytic processes for sustainable energy production and post-treatment technologies. Research projects focus on environmental catalysis for emissions control in the transportation sector and the development of multifunctional catalysts for Gas-To-Liquid technologies. These technologies involve the capture and valorization of CO2 from waste streams and the production of green hydrogen for conversion into high-value products such as methanol, DME, and biofuels. These areas of interest represent the main mission of the research group for the sustainable production of essential basic chemicals from zero-impact raw materials, e-fuels, and renewable energies
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B+ LabNet
The B + LabNet Laboratory is an operation room capable of coordinating and integrating the research activities carried out within the Laboratory and by the different groups in the different Departments of the University. The characterizing theme includes aspects related to the management, use and protection of the environment as a precious resource, both for the direct effect on the health of the population and ecosystems, and for the wealth and well-being that it can produce. The Laboratory also offers analytical skills for the evaluation of ecotoxicity of contaminated environmental matrices (water, soil, waste, air)
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Laboratory of Sanitary-Environmental Engineering
The Laboratory of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering offers technical and scientific support to the experimental research activities carried out in the following fields: degree thesis, third party contracts with companies, and research projects funded both by the University and by national and international competitive tenders. The laboratory is also used for teaching activities. The laboratory carries out the characterization of contaminated liquid and solid matrices, with the execution of basic chemical and microbiological analyses. The samples to be examined are prepared (e.g. eluates) for subsequent more specific analyses (e.g. toxicological tests) carried out in other laboratories. In addition, in this laboratory several processes are tested for the treatment/reuse/recovery of wastewater, drinking water, waste (solid and liquid) and soils. Processes and technologies are studied both at the small- and pilot-scale in the laboratory, but also through the support of experimental activities in pilot plants on field
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Collaborations with companies

Collaborations with numerous companies and associations are ongoing


  • Leronni, A., Bardella, L., (2021), "Modeling actuation and sensing in ionic polymer metal composites by electrochemo-poromechanics", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 148, 104292 (
  • Maddaloni, M., Marchionni, M., Abbá, A., Mascia, M., Tola, V., Carpanese, M.P., Bertanza, G., Artioli, N., (2023), "Exploring the Viability of Utilizing Treated Wastewater as a Sustainable Water Resource for Green Hydrogen Generation Using Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs)", Water 15, 2569,
  • Abbà, A., Domini, M., Baldi, M., Collivignarelli, M.C., Bertanza, G. (2023),  "Investigation of the main parameters influencing the kinetics of an ammonia stripping plant treating swine digestate", Sustainability, 15(13), 10494,
  • Diotti, A., Plizzari, G., Sorlini, S. (2021), "Leaching behaviour of construction and demolition wastes and recycled aggregates: Statistical analysis applied to the release of contaminants", Applied Sciences, 11(14), 6265,
  • F. Duarte Castro, E. Mehner, L. Cutaia, M. Vaccari, "Life cycle assessment of an innovative lithium-ion battery recycling route: A feasibility study", Journal of Cleaner Production, 36825, 2022, 133130,
  • T. G. Ambaye, A. Chebbi, F. Formicola, A. Rosatelli, S. Prasad, F.H. Gomez, S. Sbaffoni, A. Franzetti, M. Vaccari, "Ex-situ bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil using mixed stimulants: Response and dynamics of bacterial community and phytotoxicity", Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2022, 10(6), 108814;
  • Panteghini, A., Bardella, L., (2023), "Electrochemo-poromechanics of ionic polymer metal composites: Towards the accurate finite element modelling of actuation and sensing", Journal of Elasticity 153, 299-358,