Chemical Research Handbook

Università degli Studi di Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture - DIA

General Information

Università degli Studi di Trieste
Department of Engineering and Architecture - DIA
Via Alfonso Valerio 6/1 - 341127 Trieste (TS)
Web site:
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Prof. Paolo GALLINA
+39 0405587300

Detailed information

22 Full Professors
51 Associate Professors
38 Researchers
12 Structured Technicians
16 Administratives Technicians
1 General Services
Registered students
2,175 (Academic year 2022/2023)
Post Lauream Training
73 enrolled in Doctoral programs in Engineering
13 enrolled in II level Master in Management in clinical engineering 
27 Research fellows
6 fellows

Datasheet icons


R&D activities detail

Tecnologie no-solvente

Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of natural bioactive compounds from plant materials

Soft materials

Modeling and rheological, Low filed NMR, UV and laser light scattering characterisation of controlled drug delivery systems, gels and biological tissues


Computer-aided design (HPC-baesd Molecular Simulation) and experimental characterization with calorimetric (ITC) and spectroscopic (UV, CD and Fluorescence) techniques of bionanotechnological systems

Sustainable processes

Design of chemical and biochemical processes of industrial relevance in the energy, biotechnological and pharmaceutical fields. Use of process simulators and professional SW for environmental impact assessments (LCA) according to ISO 14040
Maurizio Fermeglia (+39 0405583438)
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Collaborations with companies

  • Fibre-Net
  • Serichim Srl


  • Use of low-field NMR and rheology to evaluate the microstructure and stability of a poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)-based W/O emulsion to be processed by spray drying Ana Juric Simci, Michela Abrami, Iva Erak, Iva Paladin, Biserka Cetina Cizmek, Anita Hafner, Mario Grassi, Jelena Filipovic-Grcic. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2023, 631, 122471, 1-10
  • Desorption of artemisinin extracts of CIM-Arogya by supercritical carbon dioxide Negi, A.S., Cortesi, A., Kikic, I., Calabrese, M., Solinas, D; Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2018, 133, pp. 42–48
  • Russi M, Valeri R, Marson D, Danielli C, Felluga F, Tintaru A, Skoko N, Aulic S, Laurini E, Pricl S. Some things old, new and borrowed: Delivery of dabrafenib and vemurafenib to melanoma cells via self-assembled nanomicelles based on an amphiphilic dendrimer. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2023 Jan 1;180:106311. 
  • A Mio, E Barbera, AM Pavan, R Danielis, A Bertucco, M Fermeglia, 2023, Analysis of the energetic, economic, and environmental performance of hydrogen utilization for port logistic activities, Applied Energy 347, 121431