Chemical Research Handbook

Università degli Studi di Palermo, Department of Earth and Sea Sciences (DiSTeM)

General Information

Università degli Studi di Palermo
Department of Earth and Sea Sciences (DiSTeM)
Via Archirafi 22 - 90123 Palermo (PA)
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Prof. Attilio SULLI
+39 09123864631


Detailed information

11 Full Professors
19 Associate Professors
31 Researchers
7 Technologists
Registered students
Post Lauream Training
28 enrolled in doctoral programs in Earth and Sea Sciences
6 Research fellows
26 fellows 

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R&D activities detail

Environmental microbiology

The scientific activity focuses on various topics related to environmental microbiology and microbial biotechnologies aimed at the restoration of contaminated environments and matrices (e.g. water, sediments, soils contaminated with hydrocarbons). The majority of the research activities are aimed at the taxonomic, catabolic, and metabolic characterization of cultivable and non-cultivable microbial communities, as well as the development of microbial biotechnological systems for bioremediation applications. Ongoing and/or completed activities include: the study of biofilms and the plastisphere associated with biodegradable and non-biodegradable plastics in marine environments, analysis of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microbial communities, immobilization of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria on biopolymeric supports for bioremediation applications in contaminated waters, isolation and characterization of microorganisms with lipolytic activity, and development of systems for the bioaugmentation of industrial effluents (mixtures of oils and fats), as well as the search for antimicrobials from unconventional sources, and the study of microbial bioindicators in desertified soils
Valentina Catania (+39 3472260744)
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Analytical chemistry

Studies on the interactions between components of natural waters (alkali metal ions or alkaline earth metals) with low molecular weight ligands of environmental interest (carbonates, phosphates) and biological interest (amino acids, carboxylates, nucleotides). Different modeling approaches have been used to define interaction parameters [SIT (Specific ion Interaction Theory), Pitzer, and Ionic Association model]. Investigations on the acid-base properties of high molecular weight synthetic ligands (polyacrylates and polymethacrylates) and natural ligands (alginate, chitosan, pectin, humic and fulvic acids) and on the formation of complex species with metal ions and organometallics in different ionic media and at different ionic strengths, aimed at defining the dependence of protonation constants and complex formation on ionic strength, and their capacity as sequestering agents for ions of toxic metals. Studies on the binding capacity of organic and inorganic soils, aimed at defining the bioavailability of essential and toxic metal ions. Development of chemical speciation models capable of predicting the chemical behavior of different classes of ligands in natural fluids, with particular reference to marine waters. Formulation and characterization of composites (halloysite nanotubes) and biopolymers, to study the selective adsorption of organic and inorganic pollutants. Analysis of different contaminants and their ecotoxicological impact in natural environments, aimed at environmental control and monitoring. Characterization, biodegradation, and environmental risks associated with bioplastics. Theoretical and practical studies on the behavior of zirconium and hafnium in natural waters. Separative analytical methods for the characterization of food and environmental matrices
Daniela Piazzese (+39 3333478519)
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